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Get simulation time for each model


get_simulation_time(aeme, model, path, param, FUN_list, vars_sim, weights)



aeme; object.


string; for which model to calibrate. Only one model can be passed. Options are c("dy_cd", "glm_aed" and "gotm_wet").


filepath; where input files are located relative to `config`.


dataframe; of parameters read in from a csv file. Requires the columns c("model", "file", "name", "value", "min", "max", "log")


list of functions; named according to the variables in the vars_sim. Funtions are of the form function(df) which will be used to calculate model fit. If NULL, uses mean absolute error (MAE).


vector; of variables names to be used in the calculation of model fit. Currently only supports using one variable.


vector; of weights for each variable in vars_sim. Default to c(1).


numeric vector of simulation time for each model.


tmpdir <- tempdir()
aeme_dir <- system.file("extdata/lake/", package = "AEME")
# Copy files from package into tempdir
file.copy(aeme_dir, tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
path <- file.path(tmpdir, "lake")
aeme <- AEME::yaml_to_aeme(path = path, "aeme.yaml")
#> Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.4, PROJ 9.3.1; sf_use_s2() is FALSE
#> Warning: Lake area [152343 m2] is different to the area calculated from the lake
#> shape [152433.09 m2].
model_controls <- AEME::get_model_controls()
model <- c("glm_aed", "gotm_wet")
aeme <- AEME::build_aeme(path = path, aeme = aeme,
model = model, model_controls = model_controls,
ext_elev = 5, use_bgc = FALSE)
#> Building simulation for Wainamu [2024-10-16 22:17:03]
#> Using observed water level
#> Missing values in observed water level
#> Using constant water level
#> Correcting water balance using estimated outflows (method = 2).
#> Calculating lake level using lake depth and a sinisoidal function.
#> Building GLM3-AED2 model for lake wainamu
#> Copied in GLM nml file
#> Building GOTM-WET for lake wainamu
#> Copied all GOTM configuration files
aeme <- AEME::run_aeme(aeme = aeme, model = model, path = path)
#> Running models... (Have you tried parallelizing?) [2024-10-16 22:17:05]
#> GLM-AED run successful! [2024-10-16 22:17:06]
#> GOTM-WET run successful! [2024-10-16 22:17:06]
#> Model run complete![2024-10-16 22:17:06]
#> Retrieving and formatting temp for model glm_aed
#> Retrieving and formatting salt for model glm_aed
#> Retrieving and formatting temp for model gotm_wet
#> Retrieving and formatting salt for model gotm_wet
utils::data("aeme_parameters", package = "AEME")
param <- aeme_parameters
# Function to calculate fitness
fit <- function(df) {
mean(abs(df$obs - df$model))
FUN_list <- list(HYD_temp = fit, LKE_lvlwtr = fit)
ctrl <- create_control(method = "calib", NP = 10, itermax = 30, ncore = 2,
parallel = TRUE, file_type = "db", file_name = "results.db")
vars_sim <- c("HYD_temp", "LKE_lvlwtr")
weights <- c("HYD_temp" = 10, "LKE_lvlwtr" = 1)
sim_times <- get_simulation_time(aeme = aeme, model = model, path = path,
param = param, FUN_list = FUN_list, vars_sim = vars_sim, weights = weights)