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First, we will load the AEME and aemetools package:

Create a folder for running the example calibration setup.

# tmpdir <- "calib-test"
# dir.create(tmpdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
tmpdir <- tempdir()
aeme_dir <- system.file("extdata/lake/", package = "AEME")
# Copy files from package into tempdir
file.copy(aeme_dir, tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
path <- file.path(tmpdir, "lake")

list.files(path, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "aeme.yaml"            "data/hypsograph.csv"  "data/inflow_FWMT.csv"
#> [4] "data/lake_obs.csv"    "data/meteo.csv"       "data/outflow.csv"    
#> [7] "data/water_level.csv" "model_controls.csv"

Build AEME ensemble

Using the AEME functions, we will build the AEME model setup. For this example, we will use the glm_aed model. The build_aeme function will

aeme <- yaml_to_aeme(path = path, "aeme.yaml")
model_controls <- AEME::get_model_controls()
inf_factor = c("dy_cd" = 1, "glm_aed" = 1, "gotm_wet" = 1)
outf_factor = c("dy_cd" = 1, "glm_aed" = 1, "gotm_wet" = 1)
model <- c("glm_aed")
aeme <- build_aeme(path = path, aeme = aeme, model = model, 
                   model_controls = model_controls, inf_factor = inf_factor, 
                   ext_elev = 5, use_bgc = FALSE)

Run the model ensemble using the run_aeme function to make sure the current model setup is working.

aeme <- run_aeme(aeme = aeme, model = model, verbose = FALSE, 
                 path = path)
#> Running models... (Have you tried parallelizing?) [2025-02-15 02:15:37]
#> GLM-AED running... [2025-02-15 02:15:37]
#> GLM-AED run successful! [2025-02-15 02:15:38]
#> Model run complete![2025-02-15 02:15:38]
#> Retrieving and formatting temp for model glm_aed
#> Retrieving and formatting salt for model glm_aed
Water temperature contour plotfor the model output.

Water temperature contour plotfor the model output.

Load parameters to be used for the calibration

Parameters are loaded from the aemetools package within the aeme_parameters dataframe. The parameters are stored in a data frame with the following columns:

  • model: The model name

  • file: The file name of the model parameter file. For meteorological scaling variables, “met” is used, whereas for scaling factors for inflow and outflow, “inflow” an “outflow” is used accordingly.

  • name: The parameter name

  • value: The parameter value

  • min: The minimum value of the parameter

  • max: The maximum value of the parameter

  • module: The module of the parameter

  • group: The group of the parameter. Only used for phytoplankton and zooplankton parameters.

Parameters to be used for the calibration.

utils::data("aeme_parameters", package = "AEME")
  DT::datatable(options = list(pageLength = 4, scrollX = TRUE))

This dataframe can be modified to change the parameter values. For example, we can change the light/Kw parameter for the glm_aed model to 0.1:

aeme_parameters[aeme_parameters$model == "glm_aed" &
                  aeme_parameters$name == "light/Kw", "value"] <- 0.1
model file name value min max module group
glm_aed glm3.nml light/Kw 1.0e-01 0.100 5.52e+00 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed met MET_wndspd 1.0e+00 0.700 1.30e+00 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed met MET_radswd 1.0e+00 0.700 1.30e+00 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed glm3.nml mixing/coef_mix_conv 1.4e-01 0.100 2.00e-01 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed glm3.nml mixing/coef_wind_stir 2.1e-01 0.200 3.00e-01 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed glm3.nml mixing/coef_mix_shear 1.4e-01 0.100 2.00e-01 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed glm3.nml mixing/coef_mix_turb 5.6e-01 0.200 7.00e-01 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed glm3.nml mixing/coef_mix_hyp 7.4e-01 0.400 8.00e-01 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed wdr outflow 1.0e+00 0.500 2.50e+00 hydrodynamic NA
glm_aed inf inflow 1.0e+00 0.500 2.50e+00 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet gotm.yaml turbulence/turb_param/k_min 6.0e-07 0.000 1.00e-05 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet gotm.yaml light_extinction/A/constant_value 5.5e-01 0.395 6.59e-01 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet gotm.yaml light_extinction/g1/constant_value 5.9e-01 0.440 7.40e-01 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet gotm.yaml light_extinction/g2/constant_value 2.0e-01 0.050 2.70e+00 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet met MET_wndspd 1.0e+00 0.700 1.30e+00 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet met MET_radswd 1.0e+00 0.700 1.30e+00 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet wdr outflow 1.0e+00 0.500 2.50e+00 hydrodynamic NA
gotm_wet inf inflow 1.0e+00 0.500 2.50e+00 hydrodynamic NA
dy_cd cfg light_extinction_coefficient/7 9.0e-01 0.100 1.40e+00 hydrodynamic NA
dy_cd dyresm3p1.par vertical_mixing_coeff/15 2.0e+02 50.000 7.50e+02 hydrodynamic NA
dy_cd met MET_wndspd 1.0e+00 0.700 1.30e+00 hydrodynamic NA
dy_cd met MET_radswd 1.0e+00 0.700 1.30e+00 hydrodynamic NA
dy_cd wdr outflow 1.0e+00 0.500 2.50e+00 hydrodynamic NA
dy_cd inf inflow 1.0e+00 0.500 2.50e+00 hydrodynamic NA

This dataframe can be passed to the run_aeme_param function to run AEME with the parameter values specified in the dataframe. This function is different to the run_aeme function in that it does not return an aeme object, but the model output is generated within the lake folder.

run_aeme_param(aeme = aeme, param = aeme_parameters,
                 model = model, path = path)
#> Running models... (Have you tried parallelizing?) [2025-02-15 02:15:50]
#> GLM-AED running... [2025-02-15 02:15:50]
#> GLM-AED run successful! [2025-02-15 02:15:50]
#> Model run complete![2025-02-15 02:15:50]

Calibration setup

Choosing variables to calibrate

Choosing which variables to calibrate is an important step in the calibration process. The variables to calibrate are usually selected based on the availability of data and the importance of the variable to the model.

There is a function within the AEME package called get_mod_obs_vars which can be used to get the available variables for which there is modelled and observed data.

available_vars <- AEME::get_mod_obs_vars(aeme = aeme, model = model)
#>                   Salinity          Water temperature 
#>                 "CHM_salt"                 "HYD_temp" 
#>          Thermocline depth         Centre of buoyancy 
#>               "HYD_thmcln"               "HYD_ctrbuy" 
#>           Epilimnion depth          Hypolimnion depth 
#>               "HYD_epidep"               "HYD_hypdep" 
#>          Schmidt stability Metalimnetic oxygen minima 
#>               "HYD_schstb"               "CHM_oxymom" 
#>    Number of anoxic layers                Water level 
#>               "CHM_oxynal"               "LKE_lvlwtr"

There are 10 variables available for calibration, this includes derived variables such as thermocline depth (HYD_thmcln) and Schmidt stability (HYD_schstb).

For this example, we will calibrate the water temperature and lake level. The variables are selected using the AEME variable definition e.g. c("HYD_temp", "LKE_lvlwtr").

vars_sim <- c("HYD_temp", "LKE_lvlwtr")

Define fitness function

First, we will define a function for the calibration function to use to calculate the fitness of the model. This function takes a dataframe as an argument. The dataframe contains the observed data (obs) and the modelled data (model). The function should return a single value.

Here we use the root mean square error (RMSE) as the fitness function:

RMSE(y,ŷ)=i=0N1(yiŷi)2N\text{RMSE}(y, \hat{y}) = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N - 1} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2}{N}}

# Function to calculate fitness
rmse <- function(df) {
  sqrt(mean((df$obs - df$model)^2))

Different functions can be applied to different variables. For example, we can use the RMSE for the lake level and the mean absolute error (MAE) for the water temperature:

# Function to calculate fitness
mae <- function(df) {
  mean(abs(df$obs - df$model))

Then these would be combined into a named list of functions which will be passed to the calib_aeme function. They are named according to the target variable.

# Create list of functions
FUN_list <- list(HYD_temp = mae, LKE_lvlwtr = rmse)

Define control parameters

Next, we will define the control parameters for the calibration. The control parameters are generated using the create_control funtion and are then passed to the calib_aeme function. The control parameters for calibration are as follows:

create_control R Documentation

Create control list for calibration or sensitivity analysis



The method to be used. It can be either "calib" for calibration or "sa" for sensitivity analysis.


Additional arguments to be passed to the function create_control. The arguments are different for calibration and sensitivity analysis. There are arguments which are common to both methods:

  • file_type string; file type to write the output to. Options are c("csv", "db"). Defaults to "db".

  • file_name string; file name to write the output to. Defaults to "results.db" if file_type is "db" and "simulation_metadata.csv" if file_type is "csv".

  • file_dir string; directory to write the output to. Defaults to the directory "calib_sa" in the current working directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

  • na_value value to replace NA values with in observations. Defaults to 999.

  • parallel boolean; run calibration in parallel. Default to TRUE

  • ncore: The number of cores to use for the calibration. This is only used if parallel = TRUE. Default to parallel::detectCores() - 1.

  • timeout: The maximum time in seconds to run the calibration. Default to Inf. If the calibration takes longer than the timeout, the calibration will stop and return the best parameter set found so far.

For calibration, the arguments are:

  • VTR Value to be reached. The optimization process will stop if either the maximum number of iterations itermax is reached or the best parameter vector bestmem has found a value fn(bestmem) <= VTR. Default to -Inf.

  • NP number of population members. Defaults to NA; if the user does not change the value of NP from NA it is reset as 10 * sum(param$model == model). For many problems it is best to set NP to be at least 10 times the length of the parameter vector.

  • itermax the maximum iteration (population generation) allowed. Default is 200.

  • reltol relative convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if it is unable to reduce the value by a factor of reltol * (abs(val) + reltol). Default = 0.07

  • cutoff: The quantile cutoff used to select the parents for the next generation. For example, if cutoff = 0.25, the best 25% of the population will be used as parents for the next generation.

  • mutate fraction of population to undergo mutation (0-1).

  • c_method character; the method to use for calibration. Options are "CMAES" and "LHC". Defaults to "CMAES".

For sensitivity analysis, the arguments are:

  • N: The initial sample size of the base sample matrix.

  • vars_sim: A named list of output variables for sensitivity analysis. The name is user defined but each list must contain:

    • var: The variable name to use for the sensitivity analysis.

    • month: A vector of months to use for the sensitivity analysis.

    • depth_range: A vector of length 2 with the minimum and maximum depth range to use for the sensitivity analysis.

Here is an example of the control parameters for calibration, with a value-to-reach of 0, 40 members in each population, maximum number of iterations of 400, a relative tolerance of 0.07, 25% of parameters in each population need to be non-NA to be used as parents in the next generation, 10% of the children parameters undergo random mutation, parallel processing is used, the file type for writing the results is CSV, the NA value is 999 and 2 cores are used for parallel processing. The control parameters are stored in the ctrl object which is then passed to the calib_aeme function.

ctrl <- create_control(method = "calib", VTR = 0, NP = 40, itermax = 400, 
                       reltol = 0.07, cutoff = 0.25, mutate = 0.1, 
                       parallel = TRUE, file_type = "csv", 
                       na_value = 999, ncore = 2)

Define variable weights

Weights need to be attributed to each of the selected variables. The weights are used to scale the fitness value. This can be helpful if the variables have different units. For example, if the temperature is in degrees Celsius and the water level is in metres, then the water level will have a much larger impact on the fitness value. Therefore, the weight for the water level should be much smaller than the weight for the temperature.

The weights are specified in a named vector. The names of the vector should be the same as the variable names.

weights <- c("HYD_temp" = 1, "LKE_lvlwtr" = 0.1)

Run calibration

Once we have defined the fitness function, control parameters and variables, we can run the calibration. The calib_aeme function takes the following arguments:

calib_aeme R Documentation

Calibrate AEME model parameters using observations



aeme; object.


filepath; where input files are located relative to 'config'.


dataframe; of parameters read in from a csv file. Requires the columns c("model", "file", "name", "value", "min", "max", "log")


string; for which model to calibrate. Only one model can be passed. Options are c("dy_cd", "glm_aed" and "gotm_wet").


dataframe; of configuration loaded from "model_controls.csv".


vector; of variables names to be used in the calculation of model fit. Currently only supports using one variable.


list of functions; named according to the variables in the vars_sim. Funtions are of the form ⁠function(df)⁠ which will be used to calculate model fit. If NULL, uses mean absolute error (MAE).


list; of controls for sensitivity analysis function created using the create_control function. See create_control for more details.


vector; of weights for each variable in vars_sim. Default to c(1).


dataframe; of parameters to be used in the calibration. Requires the columns c("model", "file", "name", "value", "min", "max"). This is used to restart from a previous calibration.

The calib_aeme function writes the calibration results to the file specified after each generation. This allows the calibration to be stopped and restarted at any time. The calib_aeme function returns the ctrl object with any updated values.

sim_id <- calib_aeme(aeme = aeme, path = path,
                     param = aeme_parameters, model = model,
                     FUN_list = FUN_list, ctrl = ctrl, 
                     vars_sim = vars_sim, weights = weights)
#> Extracting indices for glm_aed modelled variables [2025-02-15 02:15:51]
#> Completed glm_aed! [2025-02-15 02:15:52]
#> Calibrating in parallel for glm_aed using 2 cores...
#> Starting generation 1/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:15:52]
#> Best fit: 1.04 (sd: 437.27)
#>             Parameters: [2.01, 0.881, 1.01, 0.122, 0.27, 0.158, 0.42, 0.631, 1.79, 1.93]
#> Writing output for generation 1 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:16:17]
#> Survival rate: 0.75
#> Starting generation 2/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:16:17]
#> Writing output for generation 2 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:16:36]
#> Best fit: 0.88042 (sd: 157.73)
#> Survival rate: 0.98
#> Starting generation 3/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:16:36]
#> Writing output for generation 3 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:16:55]
#> Best fit: 0.81761 (sd: 157.77)
#> Survival rate: 0.98
#> Starting generation 4/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:16:55]
#> Writing output for generation 4 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:17:14]
#> Best fit: 0.81761 (sd: 266.18)
#> Survival rate: 0.92
#> Starting generation 5/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:17:14]
#> Writing output for generation 5 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:17:33]
#> Best fit: 0.81761 (sd: 266.21)
#> Survival rate: 0.92
#> Starting generation 6/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:17:33]
#> Writing output for generation 6 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:17:52]
#> Best fit: 0.81082 (sd: 0.2431)
#> Survival rate: 1
#> Starting generation 7/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:17:52]
#> Writing output for generation 7 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:18:10]
#> Best fit: 0.7941 (sd: 220.3)
#> Survival rate: 0.95
#> Starting generation 8/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:18:10]
#> Writing output for generation 8 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:18:29]
#> Best fit: 0.78105 (sd: 220.29)
#> Survival rate: 0.95
#> Starting generation 9/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:18:29]
#> Writing output for generation 9 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:18:48]
#> Best fit: 0.78105 (sd: 157.81)
#> Survival rate: 0.98
#> Starting generation 10/10, 40 members. [2025-02-15 02:18:48]
#> Writing output for generation 10 to simulation_data.csv with sim ID: 45819_glmaed_C_001 [2025-02-15 02:19:07]
#> Best fit: 0.77481 (sd: 266.24)
#> Survival rate: 0.92

Visualise calibration results

The calibrations results can be read in using the read_calib function. This function takes the following arguments:

read_simulation_output R Documentation

Read calibration output



list; of controls for sensitivity analysis function created using the create_control function. See create_control for more details.


The name of the output file. If ctrl is provided, this argument is ignored.


The directory of the output file. If ctrl is provided, this argument is ignored.


A vector of simulation IDs to read.

The read_calib function returns a dataframe with the calibration results. The calibration results include the model, generation, index (model run), parameter name, parameter value, fitness value and the median fitness value for each generation.

These results can be visualised using the plot_calib function. This function takes the following arguments:

  • calib: The calibration results as read in using the read_calib function.
  • model: The model used for the calibration.
  • ctrl: The control parameters used for the calibration.

And returns a list of ggplot objects: a dotty plot, density plot and convergence plot.

calib <- read_calib(ctrl = ctrl, sim_id = sim_id)
plist <- plot_calib(calib = calib, na_value = ctrl$na_value)

Dotty plot

This can be used for comparing sensitivity across parameters. The dotty plot shows the fitness value for each parameter value for each generation. The fitness value is on the y-axis and the parameter value is on the x-axis. It is faceted by the parameter name. The parameter values are coloured by the generation. The best fitness value for each generation is shown as a black line with a red dot.


Histogram plot

This is useful for comparing the distribution of parameter values across generations. The histogram plot shows the frequency of the parameter values for each generation. The parameter values are on the x-axis and the density is on the y-axis. It is faceted by the parameter name.

If a parameter is converging on a value, then the histogram will show a peak around that value. If a parameter is not converging on a value, then the histogram will show a flat distribution.


Convergence plot

This is more generally used for assessing model convergence. The convergence plot shows the values use over the iterations. The parameter value is on the y-axis and the iteration is on the x-axis. It is faceted by the parameter name. The parameter values are coloured by the generation. The best fitness value for each generation is shown as a solid horizontal black line.


Assess calibrated values

The best parameter values can be extracted using the get_param function. This function takes the following arguments:

  • calib: The calibration results as read in using the read_calib function.
  • na_value: The value to use for missing values in the observed and predicted data. This is used to indicate when the model crashes and then can be easily removed from the calibration results.
  • fit_col: The name of the column in the calibration results that contains the fitness value. Defaults to fit.
  • best: A logical indicating whether to return the best parameter values or the entire calibration dataset. Defaults to FALSE.
best_params <- get_param(calib, na_value = ctrl$na_value, fit_col = "fit", 
                         best = TRUE)
sim_id model label fit_type parameter_value fit_value gen name group par
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed Kw fit 1.389170 0.774812 1 light/Kw NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed coef_mix_conv fit 0.127352 0.774812 1 mixing/coef_mix_conv NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed coef_mix_hyp fit 0.422300 0.774812 1 mixing/coef_mix_hyp NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed coef_mix_shear fit 0.147918 0.774812 1 mixing/coef_mix_shear NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed coef_mix_turb fit 0.666024 0.774812 1 mixing/coef_mix_turb NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed coef_wind_stir fit 0.238676 0.774812 1 mixing/coef_wind_stir NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed inflow fit 1.432420 0.774812 1 inflow NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed outflow fit 1.446500 0.774812 1 outflow NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed radswd fit 1.138520 0.774812 1 MET_radswd NA NA
45819_glmaed_C_001 glm_aed wndspd fit 1.109750 0.774812 1 MET_wndspd NA NA

The best parameter values can be used to run the model and compare the simulated values to the observed values. This can be done using the run_aeme_param function.

aeme <- run_aeme_param(aeme = aeme, path = path,
                       param = best_params, model = model,
                       return_aeme = TRUE)
#> Running models... (Have you tried parallelizing?) [2025-02-15 02:19:11]
#> GLM-AED running... [2025-02-15 02:19:11]
#> GLM-AED run successful! [2025-02-15 02:19:12]
#> Model run complete![2025-02-15 02:19:12]
#> Retrieving and formatting temp for model glm_aed
#> Retrieving and formatting salt for model glm_aed

The simulated values can be compared to the observed values using the assess_model function. This function takes the following arguments:

  • aeme: The aeme object which has observations and model simulations.
  • model: The model to assess.
  • var_sim: The variables to use for the assessment.

The assess_model function returns:

assess_model R Documentation

Assess model performance


Data frame with model performance statistics for each model and variable. These include:

  • bias - Bias

  • mae - Mean absolute error

  • rmse - Root mean square error

  • nmae - Normalised mean absolute error

  • nse - Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency

  • d2 - Index of agreement model skill score Willmott index

  • r - Pearson correlation coefficient

  • rs - Spearman correlation coefficient

  • r2 - R-squared value from linear model

  • B - Bardsley coefficient

  • n - number of observations

assess_model(aeme = aeme, model = model, var_sim = vars_sim)
Model var_sim bias mae rmse nmae nse d2 r rs r2 B n obs_na sim_na
GLM-AED HYD_temp -0.950 1.659 1.826 0.092 0.656 0.174 0.871 0.894 0.759 0.565 125 0 0
GLM-AED LKE_lvlwtr 0.694 0.694 0.742 0.029 -159.208 0.859 0.806 0.830 0.650 0.004 8 0 0

Visualise model performance

The model performance can be visualised using the plot_resid function within the AEME package. This returns a list of ggplot objects, a plot of residuals for each variable. This is a multi-panel plot displaying residuals for:

  • Observed vs. predicted values
  • Residuals vs. predicted values
  • Residuals vs. day of year
  • Residuals vs. quantiles of the observed values
pl <- plot_resid(aeme = aeme, model = model, var_sim = vars_sim)

Water temperature residuals


Lake level residuals
