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Read an AEME object from files





Path to the directory containing the AEME files.


An empty or template AEME object to populate with data.


An AEME object populated with data from the files.


aeme_file <- system.file("extdata/aeme.rds", package = "AEME")
aeme <- readRDS(aeme_file)
path <- "test_write"
model_controls <- get_model_controls()
aeme <- build_aeme(path = path, aeme = aeme, model = "glm_aed",
model_controls = model_controls)
#> Building simulation for Wainamu [2025-02-19 07:02:57]
#> Using observed water level
#> Missing values in observed water level
#> Using constant water level
#> Correcting water balance using estimated outflows (method = 2).
#> Calculating lake level using lake depth and a sinisoidal function.
#> Warning: cannot create dir 'test_write\45819_wainamu', reason 'No such file or directory'
#> Building GLM3-AED2 model for lake wainamu
#> Copied in GLM nml file
aeme <- run_aeme(aeme = aeme, model = "glm_aed", path = path)
#> Running models... (Have you tried parallelizing?) [2025-02-19 07:02:59]
#> GLM-AED running... [2025-02-19 07:02:59]
#> GLM-AED run successful! [2025-02-19 07:02:59]
#> Model run complete![2025-02-19 07:02:59]
#> Retrieving and formatting temp for model glm_aed
#> Retrieving and formatting salt for model glm_aed
write_aeme_to_files(aeme, path)
aeme_path <- get_lake_dir(aeme = aeme, path = path)
aeme2 <- read_aeme_from_files(aeme_path)