Estimate bathymetry from a shoreline polygon using distance transformation.
This function estimates the bathymetry of a lake from a shoreline polygon using a distance transformation. The function calculates the distance from the shoreline polygon to the edge of the lake and uses this distance to estimate the bathymetry. The maximum depth of the lake is provided as an input parameter. This is the formula used in the Hollister and Milstead (2010) paper.
Hollister, J. W., W.B. Milstead (2010). Using GIS to Estimate Lake Volume from Limited Data. Lake and Reservoir Management. 26(3)194-199. doi:10.1080/07438141.2010.504321
shoreline <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/rotoma_shoreline.rds",
package = "bathytools"))
max_depth <- 81.6
bathy <- estimate_bathymetry(shoreline = shoreline, max_depth = max_depth)